About me
If you’ve looked around the site you’ll probably have a sense of what I can offer you as your coach, mentor, or supervisor.
My own coaching career began in 2015 after leaving a role in health and social care, and it’s led me to opportunities in the coaching world that I hadn’t expected, as well as giving me the chance to work with some amazing clients who have changed careers, started and grown businesses, or made significant changes in their lives. It really is a privilege to do this work.
In addition to my own practice, or maybe it’s the other way around, I’m Managing Director at Animas Centre for Coaching and its sister-school, International Centre for Coaching Supervision. I started as a student at Animas, later becoming a mentor, assessor, and supervisor, through Head of Operations to MD. I love how this keeps me immersed in the world of coaching, and fits so well alongside my own coaching, mentoring, and supervision practice.
I live in Hertfordshire in the South East of the England, so I’m never too far from the countryside, perfect for me as I love nature.
That’s me. I’d love to hear more about you, and I’m always happy to talk about coaching.
If you’re interested to work with me, please schedule a consultation below or send me an email to ruth@ruthrandall.com, and we’ll go from there.